Do you remember when we first met?

I was just an egg

Cracks were showing

And I didn't know why

Why was this egg cracking?

I swore I was sure

That this shell was my home

You came

And gently cracked the shell

With your sweet hands and your words

Your patience and smile

You loved me

And I realized

The shell was suffocating

You loved me despite it all

You loved me even when I cannot control myself

You loved me even when I forget things

You loved me

You still do

Will you love me for another year or two?

Us fr fr

Te quiero dar un ramo de flores después de verte actuar

Aplaudir de pie mientras das la reverencia

Tomas tu arte con tal seriedad y disciplina

Me encanta pensar en lo lejos que llegarás

Todo lo que has hecho

Todo lo que harás

Mi hermoso actor

Quiero verte actuar